I work with a lot of home sellers, and I’ve seen many of them make mistakes throughout the process. Here are the most common mistakes I see:

1. Choosing the wrong real estate agent. You want to hire someone to sell your home who is not only familiar with the market, but has also sold homes in your neighborhood in the past.

2. Overpricing the home for the market. We are currently in a seller’s market, which may tempt you to price your property $10,000 to $20,000 over its market value. However, if you were to price at market value from the start, there’s a decent chance that you get multiple offers and drive the price up.

“There are certain repairs that you can get away with not making.”

3. Failing to make repairs. There are certain repairs that you can get away with not making, but there are some deal-breakers that you’ll need to take care of. For example. make sure your roof is in proper working order.

4. Neglecting to declutter. Minimizing the clutter and personal items in your home is essential. Make sure it’s very clean and smells nice, too.

If you have any questions for me in the meantime about selling your home or about anything else related to real estate, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.