As a home seller, no matter what price range your home falls under, the most important thing you can do in terms of pricing strategy is to price it correctly. 

The most popular pricing strategy I see home sellers apply is pricing their property slightly above market value. The idea here is to leave room for negotiating and, if need be, eventually reduce the price back down to market value once buyers start making offers.

I can understand the reasoning behind this strategy, but you’re much more likely to generate a multiple-offer situation if you price your home exactly at its market value. The more buyers you have competing for your listing, the more likely you’ll get an offer above its market value. 

In future videos, I’ll talk more about the various pricing strategies I see sellers apply to their homes and the inaccuracy of online valuation websites like Zillow, so stay tuned. 

In the meantime, if you’d like to know your home’s market value or you’d like to talk more about what our market shift means for you call or send me an email. I would love to help.