Before hiring an agent to help you sell your home, there are a few key questions you should ask them. Here are five of the most important: 

1. “What kind of experience do you have?” Any agent can wax poetic about their bona fides, but a high-quality agent will be able to prove their level of experience by sharing specific information about not only how long they’ve been in the industry, but also how many homes they’ve helped close. 

2. “What is your average list-to-sale price ratio?” It’s one thing to sell a home, and another thing entirely to sell a home for a favorable price. When you hire an agent, they should ideally have a track record of selling homes at or above list price more frequently than other agents in the area. 

“Any agent can wax poetic about their bona fides, but a high-quality agent will be able to prove their level of experience.”

3. “What is your marketing strategy?” Sticking a sign in the yard and praying your home sells is not enough. The right agent for the job of selling your home is one who will implement all possible mediums to find you interested buyers. This means using social media marketing, print advertising, open houses, and more. 

4. “Do you have any references I can contact?” Hearing about an agent’s performance from a third-party individual might be more reliable than trusting their word alone. Finding out exactly what kind of service an agent provides by speaking to a past client is a great way to accurately gauge their skill level.

5. “Can I review listing documents ahead of time?” There’s a lot of paperwork involved in selling a home, so being able to look over these documents before the time comes to sign them is generally a good idea.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.